First Post September 17 2013

This is a sample blog post from the news section.  It has an image in it and if you notice you can tweet it at the bottom there:

I can even write text around it and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going  and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going and the text will just keep going and going